Monday, March 12, 2012

YOU DECIDE 2012: Republican Caucus Locations and Rules

I strongly encourage everyone, regardless of party, to get out and participate in their local caucus meetings this week.  For those of you who are Republicans, there will be meetings in many locations across the county. 

Here is a link to the county map of districts and precincts.

Here is a list of caucus locations:
  Weber County 2012 Caucus Locations

And for those of you wondering about how a caucus meeting works. Here are the rules: Republican Caucus Rules 2012

Enjoy the meeting and let's all take advantage of our amazing democratic system!

NOTE: If you happen to be a Democrat, you can find your caucus locations HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeremy I just wanted to thank you for voting for the Transfer of Public Lands Act! I think this is absolutely critical for our state so I appreciate you lending your support to this issue


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