Thursday, February 2, 2012

Syn Taxes, Bills, and Bananas - 2012 Session Update

The 2012 Legislative Session continues to move forward.

Mr. Peterson's Bills

HB22 and HB23 passed the House Floor and Senate Committees.  They will be heard on the Senate Floor and then move to the Governor's office for a signature.

SB129 and SB37 are on their way from the Senate to the House and I will be making presenations on the House Floor shortly.

My 6-Month Car Registration Bill (HB133) will be submitted to the House Rules Committee very soon.

Two more bills are still at Legislative Research waiting for numbering and will hopefully be ready very soon.  One deals with an Unemployment Insurance exception for Head Start programs, and the other deals with creating a cross reference in the code to provide for better application of zoning enforcement.


I had the opportunity to sponsor the yearly Revisor's Bill (SB104) in the House this year.  You can watch my presentation on the floor HERE.

Box Elder Gone Bananas

Finally, Box Elder County GOP held its yearly Lincoln Day Dinner.  A rogue candidate for U.S. Congress running against Rob Bishop had the opportunity speak to the audience.  You can watch his interesting presentation, made in a wacky tie-die skirt, below:

I think this is a case of someone taking too much of something, or not enough of something else. Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Mr Peterson
    Dont get me wrong I am all for educating our children however. When do they go to school? I dont know of a week that they go a full 40 hour of class room education. If we tried to run a business the way our schools are administered we would be brok the first 6 weeks.
    Before we throw another dollar into the trash basket of public education why not pay for an efficency expert to look at how mismanaged they are and suggest some chang to these mega dollar enterprises with no accountability. Just a thought


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