Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ethnicity, Education, and Expectations

I was recently appointment by Governor Herbert to serve on the Multicultural Commission.  The commission serves as a sounding board and niche liaison between minority ethnic communities in Utah and our State Government.  The Commission is populated with very bright individuals from around the state who come together to discuss issues facing our many disparate minority communities.  Best practices are shared and suggestions made to help our minority communities integrate economically and culturally while lifting themselves to societal standards of excellence.

In order to help our minority communities reach their full potential, a great deal of eduction and assimilation is required.  Fortunately, as part of the commission I have been assigned to the subcommittee on education which held a meeting this week.

In our meeting we heard from Latinos In Action.  This group focuses on Hispanic youth and creates opportunities for them to serve as volunteers in the community.  These service experiences give the youth an opportunity to reflect on their direction in life and also makes them role models for their younger peers.  One of the missing components to the minority success story has been the lack of community role models.  Latinos In Action seeks to cure that problem.  The program also intends to act as a cultural bridge between the Hispanic and majority white populations as it's youth serve all members of the community. 

LIA has been successful in Salt Lake but they have not come to Ogden yet to start their program.  After our meeting yesterday, they will be coming to Ogden soon to start helping our local youth.      

Improving the academic and economic performance of our minority populations is a key component to Utah's success in the future.  Our changing demographics require that we give attention to this important issue.     

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that I notice constantly is the lack of Latin surnames on the "Scholastic Recognition Lists" at our local Ogden Schools. Last night, at a parent's meeting for discussing ninth grade graduation requirements, I looked around and noticed a severe lack of Hispanic. Maybe 4% of the crowd. I know that Mt. Ogden Jr High demographics are much different than that. Co-related statistic? I think so! Parental support is vital, and yet so lacking. (and the group was quite small anyway as a whole. sadly.)


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