Monday, April 8, 2013

Mr. Peterson's Moments: Video from the 2013 General Session

I thought it would be fun to share some highlights from the 2013 General Session.  However, I didn't want to bore you with C-SPAN-like monotony.  Here are some entertaining video highlights that may cause you to chuckle.

For those of you who enjoyed the Third House announcements this year.  Here are some great moments:

For those of you with an appreciation for 'high brow' musical talent, this video is for you:

When we disagree we should strive to be amicable when doing so.  I thought this was a good example:

Finally, it is great when your bills succeed.  But the experience isn't all rainbows and unicorns.  Sometimes you get surprised.  Such is the case of SB39, a "Sex Ed Bill", which passed the Senate unanimously and then received a leper's welcome in the House. It was a noble but fruitless effort to save the bill.  Watch the carnage:

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