Monday, November 5, 2012

Top 5 Reasons To Vote for Jeremy Peterson

If you are looking for a compelling reason to cast your vote for me this year.  Let me share 5 of them with you:

1.  Attitude - I am not an elitist who believes he is better than other people.  I am just a person like you who has been blessed with some unique talents that have afforded me the opportunity to serve.  I serve at your pleasure and I don't forget that.

2.  Communication - I want to bring the government to you.  Many people feel that government is far away and out of reach.  This blog is a big part of my accountability to you as the voter.  As I learn about issues, I hope to educate you on them as well.  Good information leads to good outcomes.

3.  Relationships - I don't dismiss anyone just because of party affiliation.  While I am conservative in my worldview, I have frequent conversations with those of opposing viewpoints to help me better understand the issues defining both sides of a debate and to help me better articulate my own position.  I have found that the most workable solutions are usually crafted by listening to many informed opinions.

4.  Work Ethic - Serving in the Legislature is hard work.  To get things done requires organization, tenacity, and long hours.  I am committed to accomplishing legislation that meets the needs of our district.  I believe my record bares this out.

5.  Accessibility - It is important that you to feel connected to your government.  It has been designed to be that way.  However, many of us are jaded by media stories of government idiocy or malpractice.  Don't let these messages cause you to think that you can't and don't make a difference.  You absolutely do. Please call me anytime during waking hours. 801-390-1480. 

Thanks for reading and be sure to vote your conscience this year!

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