Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Economic Development Committee Budget Priorities

The Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee that I sit on concluded its work today and prioritized funds of about $23M to be distributed to various projects and programs.  We had about 50 proposals.  We prioritized over half of those and chose to not recommend funding the rest.

Here is the list of our priorities placed in order of importance in each category of One-Time funds and On-Going funds:

    Committee Adopted Appropriation Priorities

Fortunately, St. Anne's shelter was placed on the list. Look for another $500,000 to go toward future construction which should start sometime in the next 18 months or so.

One of the great ironies of our committee is that we are charged with overseeing business driven programs that provide a direct return on investment...and homelessness. It is an interesting dichotomy. Anyhow, our work is done and the Executive Appropriations committee will take our recommendations and begin the hard work of finalizing the budget for the State.

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